What a personal joy it is to greet each and every one of you in the name above all others, Jesus. Over the years it has become very clear that people come into your life for a REASON, SEASON, OR A LIFETIME. As I journeyed toward peace and into the spirit through which I live today, I'm so...excited, about what God is doing in my Life! I've become stronger and more driven than ever by the grace God has given me; He ordered every step.
I come from a very strong religious background. A family that's driven and motivated to believe that the word of God is the standard for the family and should not be compromised. A mother was humbled to walk in complete obedience to God's direction. God's servant Bishop Charles L. Little left a legacy of faithfulness to God driven by a deep and abiding submission to the order of God's will. My beautiful daughter Dara realizes that every leg is strong, and she is blessed to be a blessing. I come from a family who understands love and how to express it.
4 years ago, something wonderful and exciting happened, I married my sweetheart Apostle Dr. Mark A. Henton. He is a man of wisdom, a man of principle, honor, and loyalty. He is a spiritual leader and the overseer of MOFEC, spending countless hours teaching, preaching, and counseling others. Everything around us is getting better!
Life is what you make it... it's as good as you allow it to be, and while there really isn't a pattern or a mold for a pastor's wife we have been blessed with talents, knowledge, time, and the like, it is expected that we benefit others. To whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48). If you have heard that line of wisdom, you know it means we are held responsible for what we have.
I thank God for the wisdom, strength, and ability to live in a manner that glorifies Him. God's promises are true, favor is in my Life!
Lady Grace